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Peikko Group in 2015: Turnover MEUR 155.2, growth 5.6%

Peikko Group - leading global supplier of concrete connections and composite structures – reached in 2015 a record turnover of EUR 155.2 million (MEUR 147.0). Annual growth was 5.6% and profit before taxes EUR 2.7 million (MEUR 6.2). Peikko Group’s equity ratio remained at a healthy level, exceeding 40 percent.

Peikko Group





MEUR 155.2

MEUR 147.0


Profit before taxes (EBT)

MEUR 2.7

MEUR 6.2


Balance sheet total

MEUR 96.4

MEUR 97.0


Personnel, average




Topi Paananen, CEO of Peikko Group Corporation, comments; "The start of this year is looking positive with our order book at an all-time high. Our main focus is to improve profitability, and further increase our business in line with the improved outlook."

During 2015 Peikko undertook actions to consolidate its businesses. Profitability was adversely affected by issues on some customer projects, discontinuation of some product lines, merging some manufacturing units, and write-offs of both customer receivables and inventory. The actions taken will improve profitability during 2016. 

In 2015 Peikko introduced new products to the markets; WELDA® Fastening Plates and OPTIMAJOINT Free Movement Joint. During the year the first highly innovative rock foundation systems for onshore wind turbines were successfully delivered. Also the first technical manuals made according to American ACI standards were published. 

Peikko’s total investments in 2015 amounted to EUR 6.0 million (MEUR 7.0). The main investments were made in surface treatment lines for DELTABEAM® production, both in Finland and Slovakia, to meet increased quality, environmental and capacity requirements. There were also several other machinery investments to increase capacity and efficiency in China, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Finland, Lithuania and Slovakia.


Further information:
Topi Paananen, CEO, Peikko Group Corporation, 
Mobile: +358 50 384 3001, email: [email protected] 

Main media, Peikko websites 

Peikko Group in brief:
Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of concrete connections and composite structures. Peikko’s innovative solutions make customers’ building processes faster, easier, and more reliable. Peikko has subsidiaries in 30 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, with manufacturing operations in 9 countries. Peikko’s turnover in 2015 was EUR 155 million. Peikko is a family-owned and run company that employs over 1200 professionals. Peikko was founded in 1965 and is headquartered in Lahti, Finland. Further information: